Junior Competitions

Dates for 2024

  • Elie Links Junior Open is organised by Elie Sports Club and entries must be submitted to the Manager, Julie Otto by the published closing date.

    Please enter all competitions on HowDidIDo - if you are having problems, please message on the WhatsApp group. Draws are automatically posted on HowDidIDo and shared on WhatsApp.

04-Apr-24 Junior Medal / Stableford
15-Apr-24 Junior Medal / Stableford
08-Jul-24 Elie Links Junior Open*
10-Jul-24 Junior Mixed Stableford
17-Jul-24 Kincraig Bowl Qualifier
18-Jul-24 July Stableford
28-Jul-24 Junior Championship Qualifying Round 1
30-Jul-24 Junior Championship Qualifying Round 2
31-Jul-24 Junior Championship Match Play starts
03-Aug-24 One Club Competition
04-Aug-24 Junior Medal
07-Aug-24 Junior Championship Final
12-Aug-24 Junior Stableford

Junior Girls

All Junior members are encouraged to join in and play in as many competitions and fun events as possible. Our Junior Convenor, Jane Thain, can be contacted by mobile 07860 151975 or by email to thain.family@blueyonder.co.uk. If any junior member is not included on the junior WhatsApp group, please do get in touch with the Junior Convenor.


Girls' Junior Championship (Irving Salver)

Girls must play in both of the two qualifying medal rounds, thereafter the top 8 combined (scratch) scores go forward to a knockout competition, played off scratch. These dates are all on the updated fixture list below and on the noticeboard; they are the same for junior boys.

Kincraig Bowl

There will be one qualifying medal round, thereafter the top 8 (nett) scores go forward to a knockout competition, played off handicap difference. These dates are all on the updated fixture list below and on the noticeboard; they are the same for junior boys (Harrington Cup).

Golf Foundation Brooch

This is for the best Junior Girl Handicap score in July and August

Oliver Bowl

This is for the best Junior Girl Scratch score in July and August

Woodside Cup

This is for the most improved Junior Girl

Waddell Quaich

This is for the best Junior Girl Eclectic score at the end of the season's competitions


Girls join the club with a variety of experience of playing golf. Some will be ready to think about a handicap while others will want to get used to playing on ‘the big course’ before taking this step. Girls who are members at other golf clubs or the Elie Sports Club may already have a handicap. We can help you gain a handicap by playing in our competitions or by submitting general play scores. It is necessary to have a handicap to play in some of the Ladies' competitions. Please email our Competition & Handicap Secretary, Jacqui Coulthard, competitionladiesgolfelie@gmail.com who will be happy to answer any questions about the handicap system as well as explain the practical details of submitting cards.